Tigarus Interactive

Thank You to Our 2020 Backers

, By Patcoola

2020 has been a difficult year for many, and for this we say thank you to our backers. Thank you to the eight registered backers and a small number of anonymous out-of-pocket donors whom had contributed $2,747 Canadian last year (2020) by requesting our computer services. We also give thanks to the many anonymous online donations. Your donations help develop a new industry to the great white north.

Thank you.

Phil Timpany
Linda Augustine
Ernie Fechner
Gerald Marchildon
Barbara Barrett
Keith Seaboyer
Chris Bourassa
Steve Insley

And the anonymous!

After many years we final received our first online donations. In fact we received nearly one hundred donations estimated to be worth $2,875 Canadian. Unfortunately crypto donations are currently unredeemable at this time due to geological restrictions, and the amount estimated is subject to fees (exchange fees, transaction fees, and exchange rates from the US to Canadian dollars). The actual amount received may be 10% smaller than the estimated amount received during current exchange rates when received, not including additional fees. As for now the funds are in limo and will be redeemed in the future. Thank you for all our donations, it is very much appreciated.

Donations will continue to be accepted until our Stage 2 fundraising goal of ten thousand capital has been raised. Your contributions help to bring a new industry to the Yukon of Canada which has been mostly known for gold mining. As of Stage 2 we are developing our own in house 2D video game designer. None of which would have been made posable without the support of 78 registered backers over the years and our many new online donors. Thank you.

Thank you for your support.
