Tigarus Interactive

Tigarus Invests Big into Sound Loops and FXs Libraries

, By Patcoola

We at Tigarus are committed to becoming a full featured studio, as such, we have invested big into our audio assets for video game and video production. As of 2022 we have 16 audio packs containing an estimated 150,501 audio files of Loops, Sounds Effects, Samples, and Construction Kits. Amounting to 210 GiBs of data.

Loops: 32,982*
Sound FX: 33,615*
Samples: 83,904*


More is coming, as of 2023 the library has grown by 80 GiBs, and we have approximately 90 GiBs more pending download. Audio is essential as it is said that sound is 50% of a video. We hope to be able to produce our own soundtracks without third-party help. We have a few musical instruments and microphones, as well as great software such as Adobe Auditions, Mixcraft, and Rytmik Studio. So we can mix and produce original sounds.

The future sounds big.
